Feeling a bit bitchy today. Okay, a whole lot bitchy and ranty and just plain annoyed and irritated. Just a lot of negativity going on inside me today.
Today we had tutorial signing sessions. Horrific and unorganised tutorial signing sessions. I hate it when things get out of my control. I become flustered and sometimes can break down. Though today wasn't one of those moments but I was quite close to bursting a vein or two. I had all my tutorials and lectures carefully planned out and everything. And just one little slip up can misconstrue everything else. That's basically what happened today. With one tutorial class filled up, the rest of the tutorial times get totally screwed up and we had to rescheduled it AGAIN. I was so pissed when I found out that out second choice tutorial was filled up too. That was it. Just fcuk it. Expletives of all sorts run out of my mouth.
It took almost half an hour to finally settle down and carefully planned it all out again. Fortunately there was this nice and sweet lady helping us to get into this tutorial class that was actually filled up. I just hope I'm not living out some false hope here. It's going to be another week plus before I can actually get settled in comfortably in the tutorials and lectures. It is a bit harder to try to get into the tutorials that your group of friends are in. Since there's sort of four of us in our little posse, the difficulty for us all to be in one same tutorial class probably increased by tenfold. Not that I'm complaining or bitching for being in the same class as them, it just makes things a little more complicated. That's all. But imagine if there were like ten of us. That would be stepping into hell. Or maybe everyone would be going for their own personal gains only in the end. I'm just glad that our troupe helps each other out all the same.
Aah, to relive those glory days of old back in high school where not one within a clique of some sort couldn't bear to be departed from another. This may sound very shallow but I sometimes feel that cliques is not that such a bad thing. Of course there will be the bad eggs but along with them you've got the fresh ones too. There's a sense of belonging. A sense of being accepted. That's obviously very important in high school. Any living person can tell you that. I'd like to innocently deny any claims made of me that I belonged to any clique in my heydays. I do have my group of friends whom I go have breaks or lunches with but I don't exactly call ourselves a clique. We do mix with other people and we don't discriminate. Except on those rare occasions where he/she is a definite no-no.
Note: I'd like to express my sincerest apologies to anyone who felt offended by my words above. I don't usually go on and rant about tales and sensitive issues like this but it just suddenly felt right for me that I should express my views on this once and for all.
It feels good to get that out of my system. I'm still feeling stuffed from that 6 inch Subway sandwich I had for lunch today. I had to skip dinner as my stomach was still digesting the overload of veggies stuffed into my turkey ham sandwich topped with mustard and barbeque sauce. I like their parmesan cheese bread. Though I wished that it was heated up first before serving it to us cold. Luckily the veggies was fresh or else I would've puked it all out right at that table.
Woot! No lectures for me tomorrow. That means the CNY holidays officially starts in a few hours for me. Even though it is only for a week it still means a lot to me as I've got loads of book crunching to do. My text books aren't exactly light and short on words so I'd better start hitting them as soon as possible. We've even got out Marketing assignments to do. Though we don't have to hand it immediately the following week after CNY week, it's still a burden hovering over my head. Just nine more months of this and I'll be free as a bird again till I fly away to Aussieland. I can't believe I'm being all psyched up about going to Australia. Just a few months ago, I actually contemplated about abandoning this whole Aussie plan and just try to get me a scholarship to study in the States. Looks like that's going to be a farawar dream from now onwards. The next time I get to visit the States will probably be when I get a high paying job and be sent there for meetings and sorts. And that's going to be a long way from now. Probably never too.