At 2 am this morning after I had just drifted off to dreamless slumber an hour ago, the fire alarm went off blaring away.
It was apparently set off by a small fire in a rubbish bin in one of the bathrooms in the Clunies building.
I somehow managed to drag myself out from bed, grabbed my key, forgot to put on a jacket and aimlessly lumbered alongside the rest of the bleary-eyed residents to the designated evacuation site.
It was cold. And I picked the absolute wrong night to wear pyjama shorts to bed.
I thought it was another fire drill that I had somehow forgot about but in two or three minutes of standing out in the cold openness after and seeing three fire trucks and a police car trailing behind not long later arrive, I convinced myself that it was the real thing.
Not exactly the best timing for a fire starter but no one ever plans these things right.
Back to OB and deciding on what to wear for Valedictory dinner tomorrow.