It's an odd and compeling feeling of mine not to reminiscent about the past month of pure nothingness and indulging in narssistic pleasure. I'm beginning to miss those adolescent days of joyful thoughtlessness and obsessing over life's little pleasures that come in the most ubiquitious of packages and tiniest of blessings. Barely a day has passed and I still feel like I can return to the comfort and safety of my room and bed and sheltered parental residence. I suppose this sort of things take time to adjust and I really should allow myself some time off to get back into the mood and swing of things in IH.
It was another ordinary night of picking at my spaghetti meatballs during dinner and people watching in the foyer while getting to know a smattering of freshers made up of forty plus eager looking estrogen or testosterone filled bodies as they navigate through the fascinating and quirkily themed Pajamas Party held in the JCR. Can't blame them though. I was just like that a few months back. Oh hell, I can declare myself a senior now. I feel ancient.
I'll be attending my first and only lecture tomorrow afternoon on a Monday. How fitting is it that it should be tomorrow and that it's a Corporate Law lecture at that. On top of that I need to recharge my prepaid local Aus number before people are unable to contact me. The cousin is here as well. In Melbourne, yes. And get some required reading and studying materials from the uni bookshop as well. First week of uni always feels relaxed and carefree. Then before you know it, it'll be finals and potential disaster repeating itself again. Not this time. Not anymore.
There're going to be more events and goings-on happening within IH with the CIA week coming to a rather unique close with the Booze Cruise on Saturday night. Come dressed as anything starting with the letter 'P' and you'll be all set for a raucous and raving night of drinking and partying. I don't know and don't think that I'll be dressing as anything close to a pirate, prostitute, Powerpuff Girl, pimp, princess, or even a pony. Just should be an interesting night to see how active and realistic one's imagination can be.
My eyes are getting and have been getting heavier by the hour since I touched down this morning at 7.15 with barely four hours sleep to get by this whole day or reconnecting with friends, cleaning the room, and unpacking belongings. Time for some rest. Night all.