Sunday, February 18, 2007 | 23:53
someday, somewhere
This'll have to be a quicky. Just barely finished packing for the trip back to Melbourne together with the family and all. I hope I covered all that I intend to bring back or else I won't be returning till probably the end of the year till after I graduate.

The next time I'll be blogging will either be a month from now when I can get my internet connection fixed or from the computer labs on campus. Let's hope I'll be more settled down by then and not as cluttered in mind and place right now.

Yeah, the excitement in me is building up. Hoorah. Can't you tell?

Anyway to keep you mildly entertained up till the time I can get back to normal blogging routine and ritual again, here are some videos for you to enjoy. Well, you'd probably enjoy them more if you were an Il Divo fan but nonetheless these were the more recent ones that I scoured through the internet for.

A selection of videos I found of Il Divo's appearance and interview on 'Thursday Nite Live' on NTV7 when they were in KL a month ago. Fairly funny but I thought the interviewer, whom I have no idea what his name is but I do recognise him, was rather rude and too blunt at some points of the interview.

Three quarters of Il Divo singing 'Happy Birthday' to Urs in their own poperatic style. The hand waving and swinging thing was too funny not to laugh.

I told you I'd post a video of some part of the event that is my 21st. It doesn't look as good as it did then.

See you in a while. Hopefully not too long.
Jill | Someone gave his or her mind piece of mind

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say at 19 February, 2007 16:18
harith iskandar..tht's the thursday night live's host's name =]


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