Thursday, December 07, 2006 | 17:44
anonymously yours
Been a while since my last post. Been not exactly super busy as I had hoped to be. Just chilling and trying to get over my obsession of 'Prison Break' albeit unwillingly.

Nothing much has happened apart from a mini IH gathering in Klang, getting lost along the way in navigating our way to the restaurant and back to 1U, a baking adventure undertaken where I broke my own personal record of baking three items in a day which includes a butter cake, chewy chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter filled chocolate cookies. Couldn't be bothered with posting up pictures of my masterpieces but will do so in time.

I had another meeting slash interview session with the L'Oreal people again a few days ago and I'm hoping that this time the meeting will be able to secure me with a job for the next months till I return to Melbourne seeing as the Europe trip does not seem to be materialising any time soon. All my hopes and dreams of meeting a dashing, dark, and handsome and maybe Wentworth Miller-esque man in Italy has come crashing down.

Oh well, better luck next time I suppose.

Results are out tomorrow. I have to say it or not it won't be true. I don't want to know but I have to know too. Double edged sword piercing my heart. Please don't let me fail a subject where I actually have to return for summer semester early next year. It'll not only be devastating but humiliating for myself. I wouldn't know how to deal with it. I know maybe for some people it's not a big deal. I mean what's an extra semester. But for me it is. It's not just about the extra cost, it's the pride that comes with the cost. I realise that I've never been a straight As student or high achiever or any of those things but I've not been known to fail as well. I just don't want this to be the first time that I'd have to go through real failure. I was so close to the edge the last time and it can't happen again.

It just can't.

On a random note, YouTube does serve a purpose during the holidays. To kill time and finding random videos like this one of Wentworth Miller in his pre-'Prison Break' role in the defunct show 'Popular' from way back as a gay male cheerleader trying to blackmail Mary Cherry into letting him join the Glamazons cheerleading squad.

When I say it like that, it just sounds so wrong. Despite it all, whether he may be a smouldering hot inmate or a bitchy gay male cheerleader, he's still as delicious as ever. I'm just amazed as how much information I still retain regarding this outrageously fun and funny show which got rudely terminated just after a cliffhanger episode was aired.

Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind


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