Wednesday, January 17, 2007 | 02:07
if making love was music
These four guys would make any girl happy.

They landed. They conquered. I arrived in my LBD. They crooned and wooed their ways into our hearts. And took our breaths away. The real thing is always better live.

Yes, it's Il Divo.

Nothing I say would do justice to the incredible brevity of watching a live performance by one of the most talented and awe inspiring music group since. We weren't supposed to be taking any photographs or videoing the concert but I decided what the hell, since I was already there and it is Il Divo. And everybody else's cameras were flashing off the moment they got on stage.

I would've liked my photos to come out like this.

Except that we were seated a bit too far from the stage so this was the best I could get away with without the ushers hounding me for sneaking a shot and vid or two.

The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, which is just next to KLCC wasn't as big as I had expected it to be but they did perform with a small live orchestra complete with energetic composer, grand pianist, a full set of drums, first-timer guitarist performing with the guys, and decked out stairway to heaven like stage with brilliant lighting.

I was actually hoping for something like this but I didn't mind.

They were amazing nonetheless. They could perform in the middle of the desert or on top of a glacier in their Armani suits and still look impeccably good.

I want to meet them in person and touch them one day!

The one and a half hours flew by so quickly that before I knew it they had sang almost 25 songs continuously without so much an intermission or break. It ended on a sweet and beautiful note with 'Somewhere' and the boys being adorned with garlands and gifted with single roses and presents from the rabid fans aching for more.

Alas all good things have to come to an end and they departed the stage with a standing ovation from the roaring audience no less. Please return to KL and I'd pay double next time to get those kick-ass seats right in front of the stage to bask in all their singing glory.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

Friday, January 05, 2007 | 15:19
bore-ish behaviour
The last time I blogged was because frankly I had nothing else better to do to take my mind off things. Like I had a lot of things on my mind but I beg to differ.

My daily routine of things goes about watching the telly, baking (and more often than not eating the baked goods), exercising those extra carbs gained from the baked foodies, lounging, sleeping till late, and unconsciously getting out for some fresh air once in a while. They don't necessarily follow in that order and frequency but I do get around to doing things though I prefer to be discreet about them.

A happy belated New 2007 Year to all as well. Hope it'll be a better year from the last.

New Year celebrations was rather low key in addition to a long standing sleepover tradition with the girls last week as well. Few glasses of Baileys and chocolate pudding cake accompanied the affair besides the stories exchanging back and forth and divulged secrets(?).

Okay, I just arrived at a mental road block so I suppose it's time to halt the blogging for a while now.

Oh, did I mention that I'll be attending two concerts in the next week and next month as well. Yay for Il Divo and Damien Rice.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind


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