Couldn't be bothered to blog but am doing so for the sake of preserving my own posterity and narcissistic vain self for future references and namesake mockery.
Tomorrow I would be entering the fourth week of the first semester of my final year of university life. I'd rather skip all the typical and generic languishing over how time flies so fast and reminiscing about past events and all that stuff. Truth is, I really don't have much to blog these days and seem to be smothered in work thrown by jaded lecturers and even more jaded and often times sarcastic-in-your-face tutors. It's a daily and grueling affair to try to swim viciously through the insane amount of work that third years have to deal with now.
Wow, I just referred to myself as a third year. Old I am.
Anyway, it's like they expect you to be fully transformed into adult hood or something once you're past that second year phase and assume that we all know what we'd be in for in our final year, mostly excluding the double degree-ers who don't know when to stop studying or just trying to delay working life from coming too soon.
So, I'm getting ahead of myself again as I usually seem to be doing these few days. Living off campus is kind of fun in a cooking-and-cleaning-for-yourself kind of way where meal times are not dictated in a previous IH-fascist way and you get your own space to work, think, eat, sleep, and attempt working some more. It's somewhat bad as well since my meal times are erratic and inconstant resulting in binging and hunger pangs at 2 am. But overall the good outweighs the bad any day considering I save a whole lot by eating at home. Internet is relatively good, transporting or walking from university is accessible and easy going, and you can never go hungry where I'm staying as Safeway is like a block away, Boost Juice is right at my doorstep and an abundance of restaurants and cheap eats are a stone or stones throw away.
The flood gates are beckoning for me to open them soon and the pile of work to be completed before tomorrow 9 am tutorial is staring menacingly at me. What am I still doing here??? I really should hide my notebook away from my prying eyes and itching fingers for senseless online trawling.
Ta for now.