Thursday, June 28, 2007 | 22:54
opening show
Here's another item to add to the 'You know you're old when' list:

You know you're old when you return to your old high school during the school's Open Day to collect your younger brother's report card in place of your parents'.

I can see the wrinkles in my eyes and haggard looking skin getting gross and rough already. It was so odd not being in the hot seat this time but being with the other rents who are so much more accustomed to staring down their kids and nitpicking at each grade. The closest thing I got to was pretending to be shocked at his History grade. And feinting interest in whatever else his teacher had to say about my brother; his improvements, effort, and behaviour in class.

It was a nightmare just trying to park the car near the school made even worse by the insane heat that the weather threw at us today. I swear I don't think I ever sweat more than I did before today. Or even a pig or a really sticky and sweaty pro wrestler or anybody or anything else that sweats a lot.

Nevertheless I did get through the day without too much incident and stickiness. It was just another ordinary day not worth much blogging about but that I just found the Open Day show thing a bit out of the ordinary for me. Let's just say I don't intend to do it again any time sooner.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

Saturday, June 23, 2007 | 23:23
finding the words
Is it possible to like a song too much that one can almost not get sick of it?

Maybe if the song was 'Way back into Love' which was sung by Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore in 'Music and Lyrics'.

Damn the sappy side of me is spilling over and it's because of this movie. I'm pinning the blame on Hugh Grant's cheeky smile and cute ass for this blatant show of affection on my part.

This is the actual performance of the song by Hugh Grant and Haley Bennett as featured in the movie as well.

Essentially the same song and just because I like and can and want to.

I swear, there will be a proper and actual post of me doing something like cutting my hair or going shopping or getting something substantial done soon. Very soon. Hopefully.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

Thursday, June 21, 2007 | 15:38
home sweat home
Home never felt so hot. Hot and humid and sticky! I almost wish I was back in Melbourne now being prickly cold and wrapped warmly in jackets and wooly sweaters.

It's only been three days and a half back home and I'm feeling pseudo home sick for Melbourne already. Odd feeling but I do. Able to lounge in the room indulging in pure nothingness, roaming the city walkways and streets people watching without a care in the world, rustling up a quick meal of junky proportions, getting a get together with friends with no strings attached for a night out on the town and sipping on hot chocolate without feeling like you're heating your body up too much as I often feel when I do that here.

But then again there's the cheap shopping opportunities that we don't often get in Melbourne despite the good sales now and then. And food galore that we almost never get to savour despite there being genuine and authentic Malaysian restaurants and all that attempt to suck your purse dry when you can a good meal for that fraction of the price back in the original country of good food and foodies.

Anyway, it does feel nice and comfortably lethargic to be back albeit the insane heat. The USA visa is still under process as I attended the interview yesterday with the results still pending but I am hopeful and confident that I should get my visa approved. Or not it would have been a big waste of time and money to return home instead of spending a well deserved winter break back in Melbourne.

Time to catch up on my slew of movies that I have yet to watch despite my will of saying that I will some time soon.

Happy winter breaking every one who is on break and summer breaking too for those in the other side of the hemisphere.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

Saturday, June 16, 2007 | 01:51
post stress stress
Sometimes I think I'd rather face exam stress than going up to the challenge of tackling post exam stress. And those times usually involve stress inducing packing up for home and abroad and also moving house.

Day one involved running around doing various errands which wasn't actually much when I think about it. Started off with accompanying my house mate to do some of the chores before she left for home home in KL. T'was another subdued but sad goodbye but I'll see her soon enough anyway. Just some shopping and inquiring about the possibilities of a new home next semester albeit I came away rather unsuccessfully despite getting a good buy of a pair of Sass & Bide 'Vernon Rakes' for less than 100aud during the current David Jones mid-year sale. Am happy and aim to reach that level of rock star coolness and glamour when the time is right. About 3 kilos lighter time.

The day was followed by more loafing and procrastinating of a different kind where I tried to delay the inevitable for as long as I could before the guilt finally settled in for a mad rush of packing in between online-ing and cooking my own dinner after almost three weeks of SWOTVAC-ing and exams eating out.

Then some hours later a bunch of IH-ers and non-IH-ers pulled me away from the comfort of my heater and off we ventured into the cold mist and fog that is Melbourne currently. We trammed and ambled our way to this cool chic pub slash bar place called Transit situated at Federation Square. It had this ambience of understated vintage cool, jazzy laid back comfort and an air of sophistication with a touch of flair. It was definitely our kind of place for a fun night out and gathering of the people where some if not most have exams done and over with while others just wanted to take some time off from the hectic pace of study.

It is times like these that make me glad that I did manage to tear myself away from the heater to enjoy another type of warmness and chilly feet to get me going and cheeks warming up to the substance called alcohol. There was none for me for the night but a few sips here and there was enough to warm the body. The company was enough for the heart.

Now that I'm back and warm in the comfort of my home for the next few days only though, it is time to get some rest and call it a night well spent and a day well earned.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

Friday, June 15, 2007 | 01:31
the last mile
Neglecting a blog is akin to abandoning a baby but then you feel guilty enough to return to retrieve the baby and relive the thrill of blogging again. Well not so much abandoning a baby but you know the feeling.

Anywhos, I'm back after such a long hiatus. Way too long actually. The last paper of the semester done and done and never looking back to bloody balanced scorecards, hostile takeovers, valuation templates to discount back cash flows, and six weeks of lecture notes on asset pricing theories.

I'm having that recurring feeling again where I know I have a lot that I really want to say and exclaim to the world here but am at a loss for words. Brain clogging up, mind being bogged down by another type of stress that is finding for a new place to move into next semester as I'm moving out from my current abode to reside with the fellow younger brother. More on this to come up shortly. Let the packing up commence.

Then there's the slew of shopping and to do lists to attempt to check off tomorrow afternoon and during the weekend. This is even more confusing than attempting to study for exams. At least when I'm studying I know that there are set topics for me to cover and all but with this everything feels so iffy and unorganised and I feel frankly quite inadequate in dealing with this now. It's like I feel I'm about to leave a lot of things behind and incomplete with hardly any effort taken at all to do all I can.

I think I'm just really sleepy and tired now and when did it get this late? I have a late brunch to have with my soon to be ex-house mate tomorrow when she leaves for home leaving me alone again in this empty apartment which will soon be scattered with my belongings as well and littered with half empty and sealed boxes by the end of the weekend.

Definitely expect more updates to come.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind


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