Friday, July 27, 2007 | 08:51
none the matters
Overlooking the city from my full length window in my new room in the new apartment, it's not hard to squint dutifully at the searing sun streaming through the panes and also realize how lucky one can be to be alive this morning.

Okay, enough reflections. Time's up.

So yeah, I've moved out from the old place and into the new now. It's pretty and shiny and swanky and all but perhaps still a bit too pristine and polished for my own personal taste. Anyway the brother and I have pretty much settled in already. Took a while and some sweat and maybe a few too many frustrations thrown back and forth during the process of getting the place to be livable in. But we managed to get it done in the end so yay for us.

The new semester has begun and it's going to be the toughest one for me by far. Five subjects to go before the end of my schooling life if I ever graduate. It's been quite a tough year so far but not too tough that I go crying over it every night. Ups and downs and lots of in betweens.

I've read the last Harry Potter book already and it half met and half disappointed me. It was a pretty good story to be told but the epilogue left quite a lot to be desired. I think I would have been happier if the book had just ended at the last chapter and didn't go into the the sappy epilogue part.

On the other hand, the fifth Harry Potter movie which I disliked the book it was based on, was pretty good. A whole lot better than the book I think because they cut a lot of the unnecessary things that bogged the book down so much and just concentrated on the important bits. Much darker and scarier than the movies previously put together but still a good movie though still a tad bit too long.

The mother is arriving in Melbourne tomorrow morning for a week long break in wintry Melbourne. It's not that cold but I'm still skeptical over the dark skies and rainy gloom that the weather might bring in time.

The New York vacation report is still in the process of being begun to be written but it will be in due time.

Anywhos, nothing much else to report on the um reporting front. Will update if anything interesting comes up soon.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 | 16:46
dancing butterflies
That's what my stomach feels like now. After getting off a 20 hours flight and less sleep than you'd hoped for and still have to endure another day full of packing for the next trip back home, it's difficult not to feel something else. Maybe nausea but I'm trying my best to hold that in for now.

New York was fantastic. Lots of buildings and plenty of sight seeing and photo capturing resulted in maybe wearing myself a bit more than I thought I could have handled. It was sweaty and sweltering most of the time but we got through it like the sheltered troopers that we were.

I really want to talk more about the trip but the time constraints are really holding me back for now. Some interesting and a bit more generic things happened during the adventure we had in the big apple but I'll be saving that for later.

It's time for some more packing and getting myself a bit more organized for the trip back to Melbourne tomorrow before heading off for some Harry Potter magic in the theatres and finally catching some well deserved zzz's.

I'm really going to need those z's to prepare myself for perhaps the most work laden and stress imposed semester on me yet. I'm going to need those lucky rabbit's foot and four leaf clovers now.
Jill | Someone gave his or her mind piece of mind

Thursday, July 05, 2007 | 02:02
more than meets the eye
Just go watch it. Like seriously. If only to blow your brains away and experience nostalgic reminiscences of your childhood during the 80's.

If only my car could transform into a super cool alien robot too, my fan-girl dream would be complete.

In the words of Optimus Prime,

"Autobots, roll out!"

It's time for New York! In nine hours.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

Tuesday, July 03, 2007 | 21:14
i heart NY
The city that never sleeps, here I come.

In two days that is.

Almost packed, not yet famous. Filled with anticipation yet there's a knot forming in my stomach over having to spend a grueling many many hours on the plane. Almost 22 hours of being cramped in that tiny seat besides other equally cramped and possibly aggravated Americans and tourists like myself.

Life is good?

Not much else on the reporting front besides more lounging and lazying the days and nights away brain-numbing myself on E! News and the Daily 10.

Umm. I checked my eyes and I don't need new glasses. That's good news.

I'm very into making lists these few days too fueled partially by the whole New York trip. Lists include New York Hot Spots, Touristy NY Places to Hit, Shopping Checklist, Souvenirs and Gifts for People, Things to do before returning to Melbourne, and such and such.

Just to keep my occupied I suppose.

Oh and if only there was a working time machine that I could use to transport the very dashing Al Pacino during his Godfather movie days to present time.

It'll be funny and sad to watch the past Al look at current Al and think,

"Shit, that's what I look like thirty years on! Screw aging!"

If life imitated art. If only.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind


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