Friday, August 24, 2007 | 12:18
slow days, feisty night
Another week has come to pass and it's time to reflect upon what I accomplished or got done since the last time I blogged. Hmm. Nothing much that I can think of but alas this isn't why I decided to resurrect myself from the blogging undead.

Last night came to pass the 2007 Commerce Students Society Ball. Annually touted as the "must attend" ball in Melbourne University, about twenty of us, boys and girls, decided to splurge for a night of fun and frolick burning a hole worth of $100 in our pockets each. For most of us, this would be our last year in university so we opted to finally get our asses to the CSS Ball which almost every year, there apparently is a long line overnight to camp outside of the ticket room on campus just to reserve the most touted tables and seats. Since the ball is not exclusively for the Commerce faculty students to go to there were other students from other faculties who decided to join in the commercial fun as well.

The ladies

We made it in the end and it was definitely was fun. Chilly outside what with only a scant scarf to keep me warm and strappy dress with heels. The entrance to the dining and ball area greeted us with some Japanese looking drums and people banging on them signaling our arrivals no doubt. There were about 1140 people packed into the hall but it didn't feel crowded at all. The food was alright, nothing to write home about, and the free flow of spirits, beer and wine just amped it up a bit further to get the people to be a bit happier and smiley than usual.

The gents

There was a short performance involving a break dancing slash cheerlea
ding type troupe after the entree dish and before the main dish to start the night off properly. They were really great but the main attraction that people came tonight was to party and party hard we did.

Shiny disco balls

The dance floor started getting streams of people on their feet when it was only 9 pm into the night. There were two bars which were constantly packed with thirsty semi drunk people and those just wanting to get their $100 worth of drinks for the night (including myself). In the end all I got was just two and a half drinks since I don't like beer and the wine was bad. It was the first time I didn't feel high at all or even remotely satisfied. And no I am not turning into a drinker!

Party people! It's Friday night! (Erm, I mean Thursday night.)

The music was quite good with a cool mix of fast paced oldies, R&B, techno and house. The lighting was really good actually and felt just fun to be dancing there without a care in the world surrounded by friends. As per usual at these kind of balls, various people making out in the middle of the dance floor was to be expected and some really odd dance moves being executed as well; some involving faux satin scarves from the chairs.

Dance floor happiness

The ball ended at around 12.30 am and there were buses waiting outside to take us to our next destination where the after party was happening. The club was pretty decent and spacious to cram us all in, notwithstanding the other club goers as well. However, I just didn't feel up to it to dance what with my feet aching and the music being all techno and not very dancey I might add. Some of us were feeling the same as well and so a little after 1.30 am some of us decided to retire for the night after a good night out well spent.

Very happy and smiley people

I noticed several people I vaguely recognise by face but not by name from various tutorials and lectures over the semesters. Ah well, it'd be odd to just go up to vague strangers and say hi to them when you barely know them at all.

Anyway, it's been a great night last, but I think my head is feeling a little light headed now as I didn't manage to get myself to sleep in a little more this morning which I would have liked. I guess I'm just not a very sleep-in kind of person anymore.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 | 20:40
just keep

Really am lazy. Getting lazier every day. To update is hard work.

So in lieu of my laziness, I'm just going to post whatever I have on my mind now.

I attempted baking again a few days ago with rather not so good results. I tried my hand at a cream cheese brownie recipe but I think my pan was too big resulting in a very thin brownie and blackened edges. The chocolate I used contained a bit too much cocoa percentage that I intended the brownie to have which made the brownie tasted a tad bit too bitter and akin to like having espresso powder in it.

Suffice to say, I daren't put up a picture of
it because it just looked too horrible. But I am going to go for broke again with a cobbler recipe this weekend using either apples, blueberries, peaches, cherries or maybe a combination of a few fruits.

The assignments and mid semester tests to revise for are piling up more than ever now so there's little time left for leisures like this. I wish.

'The Simpsons Movie' is officially my favourite cliched ridden and most fun movie I've watched in a long time. Probably since 'Hot Fuzz'. The Spider-pig song is one of the catchiest jingle/song in movies since like ever. To me at least.

Here's how I look like as three different versions after 'Simpsonizing' myself; a kid ala Lisa, a guy, and finally how I would actually look like in the Simpsons world.

Anyways staying with the brother is alright I suppose. Been cooking a lot and trying not to spend too much on food outside.

I really want to start focusing my energies on getting job interviews and things like that. Hence, I need to stop going online more often. Bye for now.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind


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