Friday, December 07, 2007 | 18:38
as beginnings come
I stepped onto the dreaded scale of doom and did not like the number staring back at me even more so than the sight of my own blood being syringed into a tube for HIV testing. All for the sake of getting a clean medical check record to apply for my permanent residency status in jolly ole Melby next year.

Still lots to do and things to get done. Still working hard and pressing on to obtain my legal status to remain here next year and get a job. I have officially passed on over to the partially unemployed ranks moving on from student to almost unemployed if not for my part time job. Will need to be applying for a real permanent job very soon too as I can't be doing this all my life right?

It feels kind of weird not having to partake in the whole uni thing next year again. I know I'm going to miss it though. Love, hate, confusion. It was all part of growing up in that college university years which really are the best years of your life.

Returned from our week long trip down south to Tasmania last weekend and boy did I get burned. Sunburned that is. Quite badly too on my shoulders and arms. This will serve as a reminder to wear sunscreen next time I decided to frolic in the intense UV rays of the Australian sun. Most photos have been uploaded in Flickr so do take a look. It was great fun roaming beaches, bush walking up and down rocky terrains which nearly caused us all to collapse and pass out from hour long hikes, serene river trails and mountain sight seeing, aweing at little furry animals which we then just sort of scared them away when we got too close, a night tour of Port Arthur, Australia's oldest and haunted convict prison, lodging in various cabins in the woods, beach, and finally a city hostel with very dodgy showers, falling asleep during those rides from destination to destinations, smelling of chocolate when emerging from the Hobart Cadbury factory tour, cooking our own meals and finally but not least, delish scallop pies and fresh oysters.

I feel like I should be telling more on what my plans are for the next few weeks and spilling my guts on what this year has been for me but the horrid number on that evil scale has just been eating away at me since. I just bought two packs of bagels as well and I really don't want to waste it even though I know they would probably go to my waist. Damn you blueberry bagels!

My eating habits and diet have really deteriorated far worse than I thought possible. I'm just too lazy to exercise and when I do, I tend to eat a lot more after. That's not supposed to happen but it does to me. Bah. The frustration mounts ever more so.

Perhaps I shall just bury myself in my books and donate my stash of chocolates to the homeless and go on a fruitarian diet. Yes, books, fruits, bread, and some hot Milo to intrude in my life from time to time.

And you think I'd forget about the half naked hotness. Absolutely not. But seeing as how Heroes ended its second season run already, I'm going to need to find some new blood to hunt down, oops, I mean new bod to drool over.

And I'd gladly take underwear male models posing behind glass windows as a consolation prize.

Photo courtesy of Little Jo and her blog. Look at how gleeful she is.
Jill |


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