Monday, January 07, 2008 | 10:51
quote me not
Is it strange that I have this questionable urge to watch Russell Crowe movies now?

It could be explained by recent undertakings of movies such as 3:10 to Yuma, American Gangster and Gladiator in the last three days. All three were good movies, enjoyable, interesting stories and engaging performances by the actors themselves of course. Nevertheless I am in awe as to how I could be drawn to someone more scruffy looking than Aragorn, temperamental as far as anyone knows, and even slightly paunchy and old enough to be my dad. Ew! That's not a pleasant thought.

Anyway, yes why the sudden fascination with him? I have seen his other movies such as Cinderella Man (which I did think was better than Million Dollar Baby), A Beautiful Mind (which I actually slept through most of it), and Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (which I barely got through the first half hour of it before I bored myself to death). So yes, I am confused with myself as to why I would be interested in Russell Crowe after all this time.

I have to admit that he is a good actor, better than most at least. American Gangster was a good movie where only he could have pulled off having a slight paunch and stomach look not sexy but not unsexy too, whatever that means. Compelling story with a conscience. I managed to watch Gladiator on TV that very night as well after watching Gangster that same day. Coincidentally they both starred Russell and was directed by the same person, Ridley Scott. I will admit that he does look hot in a skirt/toga and his performance was really quite good.

3:10 to Yuma was a surprisingly good movie for me because I'm not a western movie type of person. I was only interested in the movie initially because of Christian Bale but Russell really stole the show I believe. The cheeky smile and devil may care attitude really brought the film alive and made it just that bit more interesting than just another cowboys movie.

Speaking of Christian Bale, I can't wait for The Dark Knight to come out this year. It looks really good especially with Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart in the movie as well. Their viral marketing campaign with various websites relating to the movie is fascinating but just a bit over my head on this one. I think I'd just like to wait for the movie and catch it then.

Anyway, this was just a detour to distract myself from having to start packing for Kay El and the new house. I hate packing. I hate the stress that comes with packing. I hate everything about packing. If only there was some magical instrument or robot that could pluck out what I need and pack themselves for me. Sigh.

P.S. : I can't believe I just wrote up an entire post about Russell Crowe, his movies, and almost anything else in between. I am hoping that this is just a phase and I can return to adoring Milo and Taylor again very soon. And writing about serious topics like global warming and unemployment. Guess which one strikes closer to home?
Jill | 2 people gave me several pieces of their minds

Thursday, January 03, 2008 | 15:03
rinsed to repeat
Man. It's been ages, hasn't it. I am getting to the point where I can't really be stuffed about this whole blogging thing already. But this little baby of mine is already a little over three years old now. That's a long way from those days of old when I babbled on incessantly over my daily rituals, movies I want to watch, the perils of living under your parents' roof and rules, stresses that come with college life, IH, and living and fending for yourself in big ole Melbourne.

Well, I'm still in Melbourne but that's about all that remains the same really. I am a full fledged graduate now and have entered into the ranks of the unemployed. Well partially employed still I suppose but I am still on the lookout for a permanent paying job to support myself now that I got this degree here.

In the meantime, I've been doing all the things that I won't be able to do once I start working. That means more responsibility and work related stresses now instead of the usual tutorials and lectures to endure that are now in the past.

So a new chapter in life begins and of course I'll attempt to record them here as best as I can. It's been a kinda interesting and sometimes rough and patchy times in 2007 and here's to a better and more fulfilling 2008.

In other related boring news, I am half shopped out as most of my allowance and hard earned part time job money went to a brand new pair of red Steve Madden heels, a new pair of strappy Ipanema Gisele Bundchen thongs, two necklaces from Diva for less than ten dollars, some Country Road goodies, and the odd wide waisted belts or two (or three). And a new bag when mom was here. I am absolutely in love with Steve Madden shoes, heels, and almost anything footwear related with that brand ever since I got my first pair of black flatties several months ago in New York. That's Boxing Day in Melbourne for you.

The Melbourne summer is just one word: H. O. T. Really hot. Dry and hot that you do not want to get out of the comforts of air-conditioning at all hot. I can't imagine how I'd be doing when I get back to humid KL. It'll be a different kind of sweat and heat that's for sure.

Oh did I mention that we got an actual TV in the apartment now? It's cool and sleek and keeps the boredom at bay at night and in the afternoon when I've got to chill and get inside out of the sun and heat.

On top of that, I have to admit that I am kinda into getting into Gossip Girl now albeit my previous dispositions and avoiding the show because I hated the one book from the series that I had the misfortune to read that I wanted to gouge my eyes out when I finished it. The TV series actually does a bitchier and dare I say it, a more well rounded interpretation of the spoiled brats Upper East Side New York scene than the author of the book series could ever try to do. It's not uncommon for me to hate a book as much as this but yes the experience of reading that one book was enough to avoid this show until I was so damn bored to have nothing else to watch.

That's all for now. Up next week, I'll be cleaning up the apartment from carpet to counter tops and stove tops before a day of maddening packing and then whisking myself away to KL wonderland.

Jill | Someone gave his or her mind piece of mind


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