Sunday, June 29, 2008 | 19:36
pulling teeth
That's what I feel blogging has turned into in my current situation. Pulling teeth or molars or bicuspids.

I do have some ideas floating and germinating in my head sometimes and when I get to my Mac to try and write a complete sentence, they float right out of my brain. So, I just don't bother anymore.

Latest obsessions include A. J. Buckley or Adam Ross as he is more well known from CSI: New York as that geeky and awkward lab technician, and Gordon Ramsay known for his colourful language and oddly charming allure despite what others have to say about his anger management techniques. Since all TV shows have ended their season run and we're up for quite a dry spell this winter or summer in other parts of the world, I've been watching CSI: NY reruns of all the episodes that he was in and also that episode in Entourage where he was such an ass boyfriend but I still love him. The last episode of this season's Hell's Kitchen is finally coming to an end. The only reason I actually watch that show is to see Ramsay shout and mouth off at the poor chefs who have to bear with him and try not to cry in front of him because I sure as hell would if I was being screamed at and
verbally abused like that.

A.J. reminds me sometimes of this guy I know from church. He's funny, slightly awkward in his mannerisms but makes it dorky cute, has a unique sense of style and really not someone you would see on the street and immediately think that he would be a church goer kind of guy. Heck, they even sort of look alike in a scruffy kind of way. I wish I could get to talk to him more and aided by the fact that only once a week I may get a chance to see him does not help. I need my A.J. fix to compensate over this crushing and till I see him again.

I want to meet Ramsay in Melbourne if that's ever going to happen. I really got to remember to let him sign my Gordon Ramsay cook book if I do ever, ever, really get to even remotely get close to him. I act like a giggly school girl whenever I talk about him. Hopefully he does do that reality TV show gig about opening a restaurant here in Melbourne and maybe, just possibly, ordinary giggle school girls like me will get a slim chance of seeing him.

I've been getting some freebies lately from very generous friends and I am a happy camper. Yay. A giant glass fruit bowl, a wok and a detachable spring foam pan, are probably the things that would have surprised me years ago if you told me I would be happy with glee for getting those items for free. I can't wait to try the pan to bake a cake and not have to struggle with getting them out neatly and without breaking the whole thing apart in the process.

Pfft. I just got back from watching Rove and I wanna watch Hancock now. And Dark Knight. And Mama Mia too.
Jill | Someone gave his or her mind piece of mind


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