Lectures began today. O-week officially ended yesterday night with a Toga Party at the JCR or Junior Common Room, for those not in the know of all the abreviations in IH.
Crashed my first Toga Party last night mid-way through where everyone was already in their toga togs and milling outside the JCR. Drinks flowed; alcoholic and non. People dancing to weird and often times crappy music. To me that is. Met some more new people. Forgotten some names and learnt new ones. Certain people made me raise an eyebrow or two while others were really cool and nice. Funky hairdos on guys are awesome.
University is big. The halls are huge. So unlike those back home. There're tons of people here at IH. A little homesick for my car, Astro, my room and walking around barefoot around the house. But slowly easing and adjusting myself into it. Still in the midst of sorting things out. Haven't paid the IH fees yet though. Red tape around here is quite tough so ploughing through it is exhausting.
Had a cute coffee and cake thing with the Head of College and Deputy Head after dinner in the evening and met Hildi, a short hair German dog. She's adorable and nearing her eleventh birthday soon. The house she's staying in is really nice and cosy. Makes me miss my own house so much now.
Afternoon lectures tomorrow so get to sleep in a bit before sneaking in some breakfast at the last minute just before half past nine. Met two old SAM friends at uni too. Will hopefully get to meet more people soon. But meeting people at uni is hard as you only get to see them once a week or so and you have to move on to your next class again. So I think a bulk of my friends will probably be coming from IH.
Though with so many people here, it is a bit difficult to remember names but faces are alright. I hate the fact that I arrived so late so it's like I feel slightly isolated because I was late and didn't get to know as many people as I'd liked to. Me and my insecurities.
Sorry for the scattered thoughts being penned down now. My brain is running all over the place now. My room is not as messy as before so that's better. Need to get laundry from dryer machine now before my clothes shrink.
Oh, and that's not the IH way to be so homesick for being away less than a week!