Sunday, March 25, 2007 | 10:58
zenith downward spiral
Once again due to inefficiencies in my time management plan and policies about completing work on time, I'm back here again to burn time in hopes that this guilt trip will push me to work doubly and hopefully triply hard at getting back into the grind stone.

Work piling up but nothing to do, I decided to come up with a totally impromptu lesson in lyric writing by changing a few lyrics to the 'Spider-man' theme song and incorporate my Corporate Finance's lecturer's name into it. It came out fairly alright considering I've never had any experience or hand in lyric writing before and he apparently liked it when I emailed him the finished product. So much so that he's offering a once-off prize for the best recorded version of the song that I wrote. Isn't there some royalty issues that are at hand here? I'm not a lawyer and don't proclaim to know much about the legalities in the music industry but I'm pretty sure I should get some form of compensation for creating it. Albeit it isn't an original lyric though since the score was created like in the 80's or something like that far back. I did record a one minute track for him as well but I hope he won't be cruel enough to distribute to the whole class of like a few hundred students to mock and listen to my crap singing.

I have four text books laid out in front of me waiting to get my hands and head into it but I'm too distracted to do any real work now.

Easter break is only two weeks away but I feel like that it's not going to be much of a break for me considering I have an assignment due thereafter and two mid semester tests to study for which make up a substantial portion of my total assessment. I'm probably going to be needing a break to recover from the Easter break more so then.

Yesterday I had my first Creative Writing session which is going to last for the next eight weeks excluding the Easter holidays. It was a good and creatively challenging first three-hours session where I had to scrap the bottom of the barrel for some morsel of creativeness when we had two practice writing sessions. Considering I haven't had a dash of writing involvement since high school and excluding blogging, I'd say I didn't do half bad except that the other eleven participants in the room had a very broad range of writing styles that I find refreshing and just urges me on to do better. The instructor or facilitator was a gentle and well spoken and read lady who made me feel really comfortable despite me being late for my first class. Tardiness seems to be a growing habit nowadays. We had homework as well on writing about your earliest childhood experience or drawing something from there and just creating some short prose about it. Hopefully I can come up with something better and creatively enticing than a story about my first day of school or my first lolly.

The FINA World Swimming Championships are here in Melbourne with all the swimming greats gathered on one stage or in this case swimming pool and I might not be able to experience it because the tickets cost a bomb and my mom would prefer if I'd use the money for something more exciting and interesting like 'The Phantom of the Opera' broadway show in July. It's such a downer that I'm actually right here where all the exciting action is happening yet I can't go for it. This sucks. It simply quite crudely, blows.

Then there's the footy (Australian Rules Football) season coming up and I will not leave Melbourne without experiencing a full on footy match at the coveted Telstra Dome or MCG. So many things to do, so little time. Or more likely too much time to burn and inefficiently utilizing the seconds and minutes and hours that seem to fly by too quickly for me to notice.

The weather in Melbourne is erratic as ever. 33 degrees weather one day and the next temperatures plunging to a chilly 20 degrees and below. You know you really have nothing else to say when one starts talking about the weather. Because I really do not and will leave the blogging virtual world behind for now. There's the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival festivities going on today with the event being 'Wicked Sunday' where an array of chocolates, coffee, sticky wines, pastries, and ice-creams will be featured at Federation Square and the public is invited to partake in this gourmet feast fit for the luscious and decadent taste buds. I really hope I can make it because I need some serious foodie therapy to calm my nerves down a bit before delving into the harsh reality once again.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

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