Completed '1984' this afternoon after a spate of television lounging and snacking. Wanted to watch 'The Final Cut' this morning but the DVD player is being stupid so I've been relegated to watching it on my notebook later or another day when I'm feeling movie-starved.
What did I think of '1984'? Good. Not spectacular in a fireworks display way (Wow, where did that come from?), but a highly intriguing read which makes you think and ponder. I love thinking books like these even though some people don't see the fascination in them like I do. I don't know which one I liked better; '1984' or 'Animal Farm', but I'm leaning more towards '1984' now after just having read it. I can understand why so many readers now find the book intellectually stimulating but a little too deep for those with short attention spans I think. And I have something to confess. I did skip half of this part in the book where there was a very long excerpt of another book in the book, '1984'. It just got too mind-numbingly boring for me to pursue reading it any longer after the first half of it despite my claiming to the cousin that I could do it. I feel like such a hypocrite now! Aren't we all anyway. It's definitely in my top twenty list of books to read now but not top ten unfortunately. The setback could be due to the sometimes drawn out monologues of the characters where they try to stir some political or satirical feelings out of you. As one who dislikes anything political, personally I didn't enjoy those parts. Political satire fans would like this book very much. Though I think most of these people have already read it way before I did so there's not much point in suggesting this title to them now.
I have now officially three weeks more to complete my first assignment of this semester and I have naught to start it. The feeling of guilt is sinking in fast. Got to get over it quick if I don't want to screw up another semester.
I know I had lots of stuff in my head during the day that I wanted to spew out here for all to read and relish in. Apparently the ideas just decided to decimate itself within my brain before I could fish them out of there. Another day then will I get to impart my semi-stimulating thoughts and ideas upon the world.
It's really been a long time since I last ranted. I've even forgotten the feelings of delightful rush and adrenaline pumping through me when I'm on a roll of venting my frustrations and almost sarcastic ridicules on the world. I miss those feelings. Sounds a bit too sadistic though. Even for me.
I just recalled something though. What would you do if you had all the power in the world and became the leading super power of every country? I really don't know what I would do because I've never been near enough to experience that feeling even at the least. I suppose it would be too overwhelming for me to take it all in and would just leave it all to my one hundred over assistants to think for me about what I would do with that power and immense wealth that comes with it. I'd just pay someone to do all my thinking for me. It's dangerous but I've always wanted to do that for some reason. Not needing to think too deeply about certain matters while I just relax and concern myself with, well, myself. I wouldn't need to buy designer clothes as I'd get all the famed designers to dress and design for my own personal wardrobe. All the great chefs in the world would present me with only the most exquisite of appetizers, entrees, hors d'oeuvre, and desserts. If I'm too lazy to work out with my personal trainers I'd just take the easy way out and get plastic surgery to smoothen over the imperfections.
Sounds materialistic? You can scorn me all you want for thinking that way but don't we all want it all if we could? If only we could. But we can't, so all we really have are illicit dreams and unrealistic wishes. Oh, to be rich. And powerful. And omniscient. Someone will do that one day. It just won't be me because it takes a long time to get that power. And I wouldn't want to be living in a world where there would be someone like that ruling over me. Unless that person is I.