I really am. Though it sometimes feels like I'm not.
My mind is a jumbled up mess of thoughts and conflicting flurry of activities right now so I shall resort to penning down random current going-ons in my life right now.
Leave now if you don't want to squander away your precious five minutes or so of your time reading today's pathetic excuse of a blog entry. I really will make up for this in future posts. At least I hope so.
1. The inadequacy feeling is growing in me with every passing day. I must do better. No. I must and will do over and above what I can do best. I need to go for more motivation talks to improve on my own motivational suggestions.
2. Why can't people be more open about their own feelings to others? I hate deciphering cryptic body language and subtle speeches in random but discreetly intimate conversations.
3. I wish I was more open and forthcoming about my feelings too. Damn the hypocrisy.
4. The weather is getting really annoying and is giving me a headache.
5. I am most definitely gaining weight but I somehow don't see it materializing from the view point of the fitting of my jeans. I hope they're not expanding.
6. My internal body clock is confused and so am I.
7. Exams are approaching and I have yet to focus on them. To reiterate the first point; I must do well.
8. My second major "crush" is finally fading away slowly. I am glad for myself and contented for him.
9. I think my friends' intuition may be right about the third guy. But it can really go both ways.
10. My recent choice of clothes is reflective of my own general attitude these few days. That is laziness and disenchantment. Hoodies and sweats are staple choices of clothing for SWOTVAC.
Hence, ends this short hand version of an otherwise long winded rant post that I was supposed to pen down. Aren't you glad that you didn't waste your time reading this?
Oh, wait, you're still here?