Wednesday, April 04, 2007 | 15:32
culinary sin
Now I've gone and done it. I've allowed myself to fall from grace and plunge into the ultimate grandiose sin of purchasing a cook book. And not just any cook book. Oh no.

It had to be THAT one.

I guess I should have seen this coming. The finale, the closure, the icing on the cake of the beginning of my culinary adventure and moving on to amateurish cook and experimental pastry connoisseur. Being an avid follower of his TV shows and religiously (almost) trying to imitate his too-easy-to-be-true food preparation and cooking style, it was about time that I got my hands on some tangible assets of the Oliver corporation.

I've not been a big fan of cook books I have to admit so actually getting this one is a big step for me. It's not that I have anything against Jamie but more to do with the cook book concept of it all. I guess I have this inherent preconceived notion that all cook books are just a way for celebrity chefs to cash in on their fame despite the hyped up recipes which really do not need some detailed and overly descriptive paragraph on it.

Jamie Oliver is the epitome of all gourmet cheesiness, indulgence, and crass. And I mean it in the most affectionate way possible. What started out as an ordinary late morning walk to my Body Balance class quickly detoured into a one way crash landing of myself gravitating towards Borders Carlton. After taking a once over browse through the store, I was faced with the decision to walk away empty handed or procure the shiny book in front of me. Before I knew it I ended up forking over almost AUD$45 to get a piece of Jamie into my home and clutching the glossy matte finish book in my grubby hands, smirked to myself over my new vanity purchase.

I guess I'm stuck with this bad boy for now. Easter is coming up so don't forget to treat yourself to some delicious hot cross buns wherever you can get it. I had a full lunch earlier and found myself munching on one of those babies while reading the introduction pages of 'Cook with Jamie' shortly after. The warm aroma wafting through the house is enough to get me going on and on about hot cross buns. No matter how sinful they may be. Hopefully I'll be able to spare some time to try out some of his recipes during this break.

Back to mundane college work and poor diets contradicted by four days a week group fitness classes.
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

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