Monday, April 30, 2007 | 20:26
cracked glass house
Beckoning thine seat and recycled paper bound together.
Cajoled by the menace that is providence end.
Alarming it is reality that waken the depths beneath.

The poetic life has long been sapped out of my soul for far too long. I really need to get back into writing considering that the end of my Creative Writing short course is coming to a close soon with a reading and cheese wine session capping off an enjoyable and inspiring course. I've only got through two pages of my supposed "work" to be presented at the end of the course and has not been touched since I began it several weeks ago. I think it was the adrenaline and gusto coming from the beginning of something cool and interesting that got me going more than anything else. Now, it's just moulding in that corner of my desktop and not being worked on. I suck.

I can't believe it's almost May already. Where did all the days and weeks and months go to? Damn woman! Pull yourself together!

What have I accomplished?
Nothing that significant; just some assignments.
Did I achieve my objectives for the semester so far?
Can't think of any of the top of my head yet.
Have I faltered in my morals yet?
No of course not! Heaven forbid!

Life's just been flowing by and I feel like the wind ebbing and floating, being carried by its current and taking me along wherever it goes.

Yeah I'm in a bit of a reflective mood today. Not good. That means my words won't make much sense to anyone reading this. Ah well not that I meant for it to be that way in any case.

Just a piece of exciting news. Well to me at least. If all goes well, I could be heading for the Big Apple, the home to Times Square, Grand Central Station, the Brooklyn Bridge, Radio City Music Hall, Central Park, Trump Towers, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and MTV's TRL, come July.

Yes that's right.

It's New York City! If you haven't guessed it already.

I. Am. Excited.

If you can see the look on my face right now, I'm idiotically grinning from ear to ear. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to return to NYC for another big great bite from the Big Apple (Bad pun I know). I mean other than Japan being the other country that I want to visit again, NYC has got to be the highest one up there on anyone's list of places to visit before they die. The last time I was at the Rockefeller Center in front of that huge ass Christmas tree by the ice lake, I was barely in my teens I think. The whole experience of NYC didn't impress so much then considering I was way too young to appreciate the cultural depths and variety that the city has so much to offer. Now that I'm older, wiser (maybe not that wise), and a lot more experienced to appreciate the finer things in life, the second time round to New York would probably be a lot more enriching and fulfilling to me.

The cousin will be abroad at said city and she WILL have to take me around and explore the inner alleyways (then again maybe not), the little things I would ordinarily miss if I was a gullible tourist trying to do the New York touristy thing and basically just show me around her new found home town.

Did I mention that I can't wait for the 5th of July? It cannot come any sooner.

But for the moment and the rest of the next one and a half months, I'll have to be focusing all my energies and concentration to being a lot more studious and hardworking enough to get through all my subjects this semester. My exam timetable is ridiculous but I am glad that I get to finish earlier than most people. This'll give me hopefully ample time to go home and get my visa approved to allow me to enter the United States of America.

This is one of the worst planned holiday trip I've ever had to embark on yet. My tickets are barely confirmed and or booked and bought. I do not have a confirmed or even moderately tentative place to bunk in during my stay in NYC. And the cousin could be holding down a job then too which leaves very limited time for her to show me around the city.

Great planning. Anyone up for a holiday, just come to me for advice on ensuring the best vacation experience ever!
Jill | No one gave me a piece of their mind

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