Wednesday, May 09, 2007 | 15:01
ails that heal
Really don't want to do this anymore. Blogging I mean. It's not that I dislike my blog. It's the work that I put into this blog that gets me sometimes. There should be like an automatic blogging software where lazy bloggers like myself can just type in key words, scenarios, dialogue, names, places and a whole post can be instantly generated and after a little tweaks here and there, it can be posted into the world wide wed almost instantaneously.

God that would be nice.

Anyway, places to be, things to do, errands to run, work to be due soon, and plenty of affairs boggling the mind.

The brother was sick today. Really sick. Took him to the university health service clinic this morning and he was prescribed some tablets. I cooked some bland looking fish porridge for him as well but he threw them all up half an hour later just like he did with all the other food he ingested since last night. I don't know if I'm going about this whole surrogate mother thing all right but I'm doing my best for now. Hope he'll get better soon considering it's closing towards the end of the semester.

Speaking of the end of semester, time is definitely passing by too fast. Way too fast. I'm not ready for anything. Literally. Panic. Attack. Commencing. Now.

In other news, life goes along swimmingly. Nonchalantly and unabatedly regardless of whether you're ready for the things that it throws your way or not. All we can do is to face them headlong and headstrong and with perseverance.

Downloading and watching the latest exploits of my favourite telly shows seem to be only escapism I have from reality. Nonetheless most of them are ending soon with Heroes, House, and Lost airing their last few episodes in the following weeks before that void in my TV viewing habit has to be filled.

Myopic as it sounds, I really can't wait for the one month break to arrive even though I know there's a long real life waiting for me ahead. Just as long as I don't come crashing down before that happens first.
Jill | Someone gave his or her mind piece of mind

Blogger sharontai had this to say at 10 May, 2007 20:43
yikes! he's that sick? i hope he gets well soon too. its like week 10! he needs to recover for exams' sake. hehehe. don't worry too much. it should be fine =)

ahhh u're really going to NYC!!
erm jill....
do u think u can help me get some coach while u're there? i can pass u USD!! hehehe when u leavin? ;)

Give your piece of mind | Go back to main


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